29 Aug 2024

Rheem TUR-55KVM, Waste Heat Storage Water System Repair at Luxus Hills on 23 Aug 2024

The owner reported that the existing Rheem water heater was not producing hot water and consulted Homeone for a solution. Upon site assessment by our technician, no issues were found with the heater itself. The existing unit, a Rheem TUR-55KVM, is a storage water heater designed to utilise waste heat from the Daikin aircon system.

However, the control circuit for both the water heater and the Daikin aircon was found to be faulty. Following this diagnosis, our Homeone office team advised the owner to switch the storage water heater to its own electric power supply and disconnect the heating gas pipe from the aircon. The entire procedure was carried out in full compliance with EMA, PUB and BCA aircon regulations.

  • Project location

    Luxus Hills

  • Property type

    Terrace House

Rheem TUR-55KVM, Waste Heat Storage Water System Repair - Feature Photo

Rheem TUR-55KVM – Waste Heat Storage Water Heater Repair

Storage Water Heater Model:

Rheem TUR-55KVM

Aircon Model:

Daikin 3MWKS80LV1


Waste Heat Storage Water System With Aircon

Rheem TUR Serires (TUR-55KVM) ( AirconwithWasteHeateUtilisationtoHot Water) HedayetYounus23Aug2024

The Waste Heat Storage Water System ingeniously combines the Daikin 3MWKS80LV1 air conditioner with the Rheem TUR-55KVM storage water heater, creating a sophisticated solution that repurposes waste heat from the air conditioning process to heat water. Although this system is relatively rare in new installations due to its higher initial costs and specific configuration requirements, it offers significant long-term energy savings by reducing the need for separate electricity consumption for cooling and water heating. This innovative approach not only lowers energy bills but also enhances the sustainability of the home.

At the heart of this system is a highly efficient heat recovery process. The waste heat produced by the air conditioner is captured and directed to the Rheem TUR-55KVM via insulated pipes. The refrigerant gas transports this heat to a heat exchanger within the water heater, effectively converting what would otherwise be wasted energy into a valuable resource. This process markedly improves the overall efficiency of both the air conditioning and water heating systems, delivering substantial energy savings.

Proper installation and insulation are crucial for optimal performance. Insulated pipes must be meticulously sealed to minimize heat loss, and the outdoor unit should be securely fixed with adequate clearance for maintenance. This ensures the system operates safely, efficiently, and reliably over time.


Job Scope for Rheem TUR-55KVM – Waste Heat Storage Water Heater Repair

1. Aircon Pump Down

The air conditioning system was safely pumped down to isolate and contain the refrigerant within the condenser unit.
This process involved running the system in cooling mode, closing the liquid line service valve, and allowing the compressor to transfer all refrigerant into the condenser.
Once the refrigerant was fully contained, the system was shut down, ensuring no refrigerant loss during maintenance or repair.

Rheem TUR-55KVM - Waste Heat Storage Water Heater Repair- Aircon Pump Down

2. Disconnecting the Refrigerant Pipe

A BCA-trained aircon installer expertly disconnected the refrigerant pipe on the condenser unit (CU) side to prevent any leakage.
The heat-up refrigerant pipe connected to the Rheem TUR Series (TUR-55KVM) water heater was then carefully severed and terminated, ensuring no further connection between the aircon unit and the water heater, thus eliminating the waste heat integration.

Rheem TUR Series (TUR-55KVM) Repair - Disconnecting the Refrigerant Pipe  Rheem TUR-55KVM - Waste Heat Storage Water Heater Repair - Referegrant Pipe disconnection at Storage Water Heater Side

3. Disconnecting the Communication Cable

The communication cable linking the Rheem water heater to the aircon system and its control circuit was meticulously disconnected on both the CU and control circuit sides.
This step effectively isolated the water heater from the air conditioning system, preventing any further malfunction or interference between the two systems.

Rheem TUR-55KVM - Waste Heat Storage Water Heater Repair - Disconnecting the Communication Cable-

4. Providing Direct Power Supply to Rheem TUR-55KVM Storage Water Heater

A direct electrical supply was established for the Rheem TUR-55KVM water heater by connecting it to its dedicated isolator using a 2.5 mm² wire.
This connection ensures the water heater operates independently on its own power, delivering consistent performance without reliance on the aircon system.

Rheem TUR-55KVM - Waste Heat Storage Water Heater Repair - Providing Direct Power Supply to Rheem TUR-55KVM Storage Water Heat

5. Testing and Commissioning

The system was rigorously tested to confirm the proper function of the Rheem storage water heater and Daikin aircon.
This involved verifying that hot water was being delivered efficiently to all outlets. It ensured the water heater was fully operational and met the desired performance standards following the modification.

6. Cleaning the Workspace and Tidying Up

After completing the technical work, the workspace was thoroughly cleaned, and all equipment and materials were neatly organised.
This step ensured the area was left in a pristine condition, reflecting a commitment to professionalism and respect for the client’s property.

Condo Name: Luxus Hills

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